Human Rights? #CLIMA#, Art can save the world

Απανθρακωμένο φύλλο πλατάνου, Κάρβουνο, απανθρακωμένο φύλλο πλατάνου και τεχνική καπνίσματος σε χαρτί, 70x70 εκ.,2019Συλλογή Spazio Tempo Arte, Ροβερετο, Ιταλία
/Charred plane tree leaf, charcoal, charred tree leaf and fumage technique on paper, 70 x 70cm, 2019 
Spazio-Tempo Arte Collection, Rovereto, Italy

In Greece, the plane tree is an indication of water, its shade is famous for its coolness and is a meeting point for people of a community. The charred leaf of a plane tree and the atmosphere of destruction depicted in the artwork is an expression of fear of the loss that climate change can bring.